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August 15, 2023

28 Av 5783



Dear Fellow Skokie Central Members,

As we approach the High Holidays, I take the opportunity to reflect on the past year and look forward to the upcoming year. This past year, we had successful events and fundraisers. We launched a fundraising campaign which to date has raised over $44,000 of our $50,000 goal, we have had guest speakers on Shabbos, weekly Sunday morning classes, many Kiddushes, Purim dinner, our first shul dinner in many years honoring our past President Elise Gould, a successful 3rd annual Chanukah box sale, and services every Shabbat, Holiday, and Sunday morning.  

This year, we welcome back Shelly Mendelsberg as our High Holiday Chazzan. We also welcome Will Pollack as our new Ba’al Koreh and Nechama Goldstein as our new office administrator. We are grateful to Sadie Hulkower and Noah Fensterheim for their work at the shul as office administrator and Ba’al Koreh and we wish them the best in their future studies. We look forward to many more special events as our Shul IYH continues to grow.

In order for our shul to grow and operate, we ask that you renew your membership. This year I am pleased to say the dues will remain the same as last year. Also, in order to grow, we are launching our membership drive. Please encourage friends and family to try out our Shul and join as this is the way we will grow and thrive. We also have an associate membership for those who have full membership at another shul. 

****************************************************************************************************************************Family membership: $1,000 which includes 2 adult seats plus children living at home under the age of 23 for the high holidays, voting rights, and discounts to Shul events                            

Single membership: $525 which includes 1 seat for the high holidays, voting rights, and discounts to Shul events

Associate membership (for those with full membership elsewhere): $400 and discounts to Shul events

Extra High Holiday seats for children living at home over the age of 23: $125

Non-member High Holiday seats: $175 each

****************************************************************************************************************************We ask that dues be paid by August 31. For anyone with a past due balance, please make payment prior to that date to make your account current. No one will be refused membership due to financial hardship. If you require a payment plan or accommodation, please contact Reuven Masliansky to make arrangements:

Our annual dues meet only about 30% of our yearly operating costs. Understandably, we welcome all donations to help us meet our budgetary shortfall for expenses.  In addition to any regular donation you may choose to make, there are several categories for recurring monthly donations ranging from $15 per month to $1,000 per month.  Plaques to honor your departed family members are available on our Memorial Wall for $225 each and Leaves on our Tree of Life to commemorate a Simcha start at $72. We will be having our annual Yom Kippur appeal.  Once again, sponsorships for full or partial pages are available in our annual Book of Remembrance which will be published and distributed on Yom Kippur and displayed on our digital board every time we recite Yizkor. There are still several naming opportunities for different rooms in the shul:

  • Outside of the building            sold         $150,000
  • Sanctuary                                                   $50,000
  • Multi-purpose room                                     $15,000
  • Library                                     sold         $10,000        
  • Rabbi’s office                                              $7,500
  • Kitchen                                  sold              $7,500
  • Main office                                                   $7,500
  • Coat room                                                   $5,000
  • Conference room                                        $5,000
  • Kids’ room                               sold              $5,000
  • Lobby                                      sold              $5,000
  • Main restroom                        sold              $5,000
  • Vestibule                                                      $5,000

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish everyone a Shanah Tovah. We look forward to seeing everyone in Shul and celebrating the holidays together.

Best wishes,

Reuven Masliansky



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784